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Math Games for Teachers

Grade 3 - Number

Standard 3.N.1 - Analyze the sequence of increasing addition sentences. Find the missing equation that completes the sequence.

Included Skills:

Demonstrate understanding of whole numbers to 1000 (concretely, pictorially, physically, orally, in writing, and symbolically) including:
representing (including place value)
estimating with referents
comparing two numbers
ordering three or more numbers.
Observe, represent, and state the sequence of numbers for a given skip counting pattern (forwards or backwards) including:
- by 5s, 10s, or 100s using any starting point
- by 3s, 4s, or 25s using starting points that are multiples of 3, 4, and 25 respectively.
Analyze a sequence of numbers to identify the skip counting pattern (forwards or backwards) including:
- by 5s, 10s, or 100s using any starting point
- by 3s, 4s, or 25s using starting points that are multiples of 3, 4, and 25 respectively.
Create and explain the reasoning for a sequence of numbers that have different skip counting patterns in it (e.g., 3, 6, 9, 12, 16, 20, 24).
Explore and present First Nations and Métis methods of determining and representing whole number quantities (e.g., in early Cree language, quantity was a holistic concept addressing sufficiency for a group such as none/nothing, a little bit/not many, and a lot).
Analyze a proposed skip counting sequence for errors (including omissions and incorrect values) and explain the errors made.
Solve situational questions involving the value of coins or bills and explain the strategies used (such as grouping or skip counting).
Identify errors (such as the use of commas or the word 'and') made in speech or in the writing of quantities that occur in conversations (personal), recordings (such as TV, radio, or podcasts) and written materials (such as the Internet, billboards, or newspapers).
Write (in numerals for all quantities, and in words if the quantity is a multiple of 10 and less than 100 or a multiple of 100 and less than 1000) and read aloud statements relevant to one's self, family, or community that contain quantities up to 1000 (e.g., a student might write, "Our town has a population of 852" and read the numeral as eight hundred fifty-two).
Create different decompositions of the same quantity (concretely using proportional or non-proportional materials, physically, orally, or pictorially), explain how the decompositions represent the same overall amount, and record the decompositions as symbolic expressions (e.g., 300 - 44 and 236 + 20 are two possible decompositions that could be given for 256).
Sort a set of numbers into ascending or descending order and justify the result (e.g., using hundred charts, a number line, or by explaining the place value of the digits in the numbers).
Create as many different 3-digit numerals as possible, given three non-repeating digits, and sort the numbers in ascending or descending order.
Select and use referents for 10 or 100 to estimate the number of groups of 10 or 100 in a set of objects.
Analyze a sequence of numbers and justify the conclusion of whether or not the sequence is ordered.
Identify missing whole numbers on a section of a number line or within a hundred chart.
Record, in more than one way, the quantity represented by proportional (e.g., base ten blocks) or non-proportional (e.g., coins) concrete materials.
Explain, using concrete materials or pictures, the meaning of each digit in a given 3-digit numeral with all the same digits.
Provide examples of how different representations of quantities, including place value, can be used to determine sums and differences of whole numbers.

If you notice any problems, please let us know.